Key Performance Indicators

Measuring achievement in 2019

The Board uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to judge progress towards strategic objectives. They are grouped within three categories: Colleagues, Customers and Shareholders. The group’s progress against these KPIs is shown below.


Key Performance Indicator
2019 Results 2018 Results
Lost Time Accidents (LTA) rate 0.53 0.63

Defined as number of Lost time Accidents per 100,000 standard working hours.

Working Days Lost (WDL) rate 10.99 14.77

Defined as number of Working Days Lost as a result of LTAs per 100,000 standard working hours.

Sales colleague retention 85.3% 82.1%
Total sales staff retained in year as a percentage of sales and service headcount at start of year.
Service colleague retention 86.1% 85.1%
Total service staff retained in year as a percentage of sales and service headcount at start of year.


Key Performance Indicators 2019 Results 2018 Results
State of service 97.2% 97.9%
Defined as total number of service visits performed as a percentage of total number of visits due.    
Customer satisfaction (Customer Voice Counts) 44.5  43.0
Measured by implementation of an average Net Promoter Score across all branches, including in-year acquisitions. CVC score represents the net balance of those customers promoting our service compared with those neutral or not promoting.

Customer retention 86.2% 85.9%
Defined as total portfolio value of customers retained as a percentage of opening portfolio.


Key Performaance Indicators 2019 Results 2018 Results
Ongoing Revenue growth +8.6% +12.3%
Defined as revenue growth at CER from the ongoing operations of the Group including acquisitions after removing the effect of disposed or closed businesses.

Ongoing Operating Profit 10.5% +13.6%
Defined as operating profit at CER from the ongoing operations of the Group including acquisitions after removing the effect of disposed or closed businesses. Ongoing Operating Profit is an 'adjusted' measure and is presented before amortisation and impairment of intangible assets (excluding computer software) and one-off items.

Free Cash Flow conversion  (at AER) 98.6% 94.2%
Defined as Adjusted Free Cash flow divided by Adjusted Profit from continuing operations attributable to equity holders of the Company (further adjusted for any post tax profits and one-offs from the CWS-boco international GmbH associate), expressed as a percentage.