Supplier Speak Up
Rentokil Initial is committed to achieving and maintaining the highest levels of professional behaviour, standards and conduct at work, as described in our Code of Conduct. We expect the same from our suppliers of goods and services, as outlined in our Supplier Code. The Group encourages all supplier employees or other stakeholders to report genuine concerns over malpractice, illegal acts or failures to comply with recognised standards of ethical behaviour that they observe at any point within our global supply chain by emailing [email protected], or calling +44 (0) 1276 536636.
Note that normal contractual/payment issues should not be raised via Supplier Speak Up but via the normal channels with the Procurement & Supply Chain team or with the relevant Finance function. This is a whistleblowing line for raising Code of Conduct issues including Modern Slavery. The Supplier Speak Up can also be used when another supplier or individual has observed unprofessional behaviour within another company known to be a supplier to Rentokil Initial.
Supplier Speak Up is managed and monitored by the Group Procurement team on a daily basis. The following procedures are followed for each reported incident:
- All incidents are reviewed. In some cases, further follow up is made with the reporter of the incident (if not anonymous) to ensure that full information is obtained on the reported incident.
- A summary of the reported incident is forwarded to the Procurement Manager responsible for the supplier(s) for further investigation, and the CPO
- Regular updates are obtained from the Procurement Manager on the actions that are being taken to investigate the incident, the findings of the investigation and the actions being taken, if any.
- A register of all Supplier Speak-Ups is maintained and regular reports are made to the Chief Executive and the Group Risk Committee.
For full information on the standards expected of suppliers of goods or services to Rentokil Initial, please click on the following links: